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1986-,中共党员博士,副教授,硕士生导师,湖南工商大学湘江青年学者;研究方向非线性偏微分方程与动力系统目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金项目1项,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目1项,校级教学改革项目1参与国家自然学基金项目3Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys.》、《Nonlinear Analysis RWA》、《Comm. Pure Appl. Anal.》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl. 》、《 Appl.Math. Comp.》、《 Compu. Math. Appl.》、《Appl. Math. Letter国际重要刊物上发表 SCI 学术论文20余篇;美国数学评论《Math. Reviews评论员,担任 J. Math. Anal. Appl., Appl. Math. Compu., Compu. Math. Appl., Appl. Math. LetterMath. Meth. Appl.Sci 等多个重要学术期刊的同行审稿人。






4.湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,18B342非线性分数阶Schrodinger方程组解的存在性及性态研究, 2019/1-2021/12,在研,主持。


6.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11471137, 拟线性椭圆型方程解的存在性与集中性, 2015/1-2018/12,结题,参与.

7.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11471278, Hamilton系统基态解的存在性及稳定性, 2015/1-2018/12,在研,参与.




[1] Wen Zhang, F. F. Liao, Nontrivial solutions for a class of Hamiltonian elliptic system with gradient termApplied Mathematics Letters 98 (2019) 81–87

[2] J. Zhang, Wen Zhang*, Existence and decay property of ground state solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic system, Commun.Pure Appl. Anal.,18 (2019) 2433-2455.

[3] Wen Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Tang,Ground state homoclinic orbits for first order Hamiltonian system, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.(2019) in press

[4] Wen Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Jiang, Infinitely many solutions for a class of superlinear Dirac–Poisson system, Applied Mathematics Letters 80 (2018) 79–87.

[5] J. Zhang, Wen Zhang*, Semiclassical limits of ground states for Hamiltonian elliptic system with gradient term, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA 40 (2018) 377–402.

[6] J. Zhang, Wen Zhang*, F. Zhao, Existence and exponential decay of ground-state solutions for a nonlinear Dirac equationZ. Angew. Math. Phys. (2018) 69:11


[7] J. Zhang, Wen Zhang*, X. Tang, Ground state solutions for Hamilton elliptic system with inverse square potential, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys. A, 37 (2017) 4565-4583.

[8] Wen Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. M. Luo, Multiple solutions for the fourth-order elliptic equation with vanishing potential, Applied Mathematics Letters 73 (2017) 98–105.

[9] Wen Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Mi, On fractional Schrodinger equation with periodic and asymptotically periodic conditions, Comput. Math.Appl. 74 (2017) 1321–1332

[10] Wen Zhang, X. L. Xie, H. Mi, Ground state solutions for Hamiltonian elliptic system with sign-changing potential, Electronic JDiffe. Equ. 164 (2017) 1–13.

[11] Wen Zhang, X. Tang, J. Zhang, Z. Luo, Multiplicity and concentration of solutions for fourth order elliptic equations with mixed nonlinearity, Electronic JDiffe. Equ. 250 (2017)1–15. 

[12] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J.Zhang, Ground state solutions for a diffusion system, Comp. Math. Appl. 69 (2015) 337–346.

[13] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Infinitely many radial and non-radial solutions for a fractional Schrodinger equation, Comp. Math.Appl, 71 (2016)737-747.

[14] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Infinitely many solutions for fourth-order elliptic equations with general potentials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 407 (2013) 359-368

[15] Wen Zhang, J. Zhang, F. Zhao, Multiple solutions for asymptotically quadratic andsuperquadratic elliptic system of Hamiltonian type, Appl. Math. Comp., 263 (2015) 36-46.

[16] Wen Zhang, X. Tang, J. Zhang, Sign-changing solutions for fourth order elliptic equations with Kirchhoff-type, Commu.Pure Appl. Anal.,15 (2016) 2161-2177

[17] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Infinitely many solutions for fourth-order elliptic equations with sign-changing potential. Taiwan. J. Math. 2014;18:645–659.

[18] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang,Homoclinic orbits for the first-order Hamiltonian system with superquadratic nonlinearity, Taiwan. J. Math. 3 (2015) 673–690.

[19] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J.Zhang, Stationary solutions for a superlinear Dirac equation, Math. Meth. Appl. Scie., 39(2016) 796-805 .

[20] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J.Zhang, Existence and concentration of solutions for Schrödinger–Poisson system with steep potential well, Math. Meth. Appl. Science, 39 (2016) 796-805.

[21] Wen Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Xie, On ground states for the Schrodinger Poisson system with periodic potentials, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 47 (2016) 449-470

[22] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Ground states for a class of asymptotically linear fourth-order elliptic equations, Appl. Anal., 94 (2015) 2168-2174 

[23] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Infinitely many solutions for elliptic boundary value problems with sign-changing potential, Elec. J. Differ. Equa.,53 (2014) 1-11.

[24] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Existence and concentration of solutions for sublinear fourth-order elliptic equations, Electron. J. Diff. Equ.,3 (2015) 1-9.

[25] Wen Zhang, X.Tang, J. Zhang, Multiple solutions for semilinear Schrodinger equations with electromagnetic potential, Electron. J. Diff. Equ., 26 (2016) 1-9.


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