2006年9月-2010年6月 湖南师范大学 物理学专业 本科
2012年9月-2017年6月 湖南师范大学 凝聚态物理专业(硕博连读)博士研究生
2019年12月-至今 湖南工商大学 数学与统计学院应用物理系 副教授
2017年09月-2019年11月 中南大学 物理与电子学院助理研究员
2017年11月-2019年07月 香港浸会大学(香港城大与香港科大联合项目)计算与理论研究所 博士后
受邀担任国际学术杂志J. Phys-Condens. Mat.、Nanotechnology、J. Phys-D Appl. Phys.、J. Appl. Phys.、Annalen der Physik、Nanoscale Res. Lett.、Mater. Res. Express等10家SCI期刊特邀审稿人。
湖南工商大学“151”人才工程第三层次人才,麓山青年学者;研究生国家奖学金、省级优秀干部、省级优秀毕业生获得者;社会实践活动“优秀指导老师”; 2020年湖南省课堂教学竞赛省级二等奖;2020年湖南工商大学课堂教学竞赛一等奖;湖南工商大学教学能手称号等。2020年指导学生获得湖南省数学建模竞赛一等奖;湖南省挑战杯创新创业大赛铜奖;湖南工商大学三下乡社会实践活动一等奖2项,二等奖1项等其它奖项持续更新中。
[1]2020年立项湖南省教育厅科学研究基金(优秀青年)项目,Grant No.20B144,在研,主持;
[2]2020年立项湖南省教育厅课程思政(改革实践)项目,Grant No.HNKCSZ-2020-0410,在研,主持;
[3]2019年立项中国博士后科学基金(特别资助)项目,Grant No. 2019T120710,已结题,主持;
[4]2018年立项国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金)项目,Grant No. 61801520,在研,主持;
[5]2018年立项中国博士后科学基金(面上资助)项目,Grant No. 2018M642997,已结题,主持;
[6]2018年立项低维量子结构与调控教育部重点实验室开放课题,Grant No.QSQC1709,已结题,主持;
[7]2017年立项湖南省自然科学基金(青年)项目,Grant No. 2018JJ3521,已结题,主持;
[10]2017年立项国家自然科学基金(面上)项目,Grant No. 11774085,在研,参与;
[11]2016年立项国家自然科学基金(面上)项目,Grant No. 51671086,在研,参与;
[12]2015年立项香港政府科学资助基金,Grant No.C2014-15G,已结题,参与。
[1]Liemao Cao,Xiaobo Li*(通讯),Yun Li, Guanghui Zhou.Electrical property and spintronic application of carbon phosphode nanoribbons with edge functionalization.J. Mater. Chem. C,8, 9313-9321(2020).IF:7.059;Q1,TOP期刊
[2]ZhonghuiXu, BingLuo, YanChen,XiaoboLi*(通讯),ZhenChen, QiumingYuan, XianboXiao.High sensitivity and anisotropic broadband photoresponse of Td-WTe2.Phys. Lett. A 389,127093(2021).(IF=2.278,JCR 2 区, SCI 三区);
[3]Yun Li,Xiaobo Li,Shidong Zhang, Liemao Cao, Fangping Ouyang and Mengqiu Long.Strain Investigation on Spin-Dependent Transport Properties of γ-Graphyne Nanoribbon Between Gold Electrodes.Nanoscale Res. Lett.16(5), 185(2021) (IF=3.581, JCR 1 区, SCI 二区)
[4]Huili Li,Xiaobo Li*(通讯),Chunxia Jia, Tong Chen, Xianbo Xiao, Guanghui Zhou.Multifunctionality for the nanojunction of a rotating p-phenylene vinylene molecule between graphene leads.Phys. Lett. A 384(26),126709(2020).IF:2.278; Q2
[5]Shunxi Tang,Xiaobo Li, Xianbo Xiao,* Xinyou Zhang,* and Qiliang Cui.Effffects of NH3Flow Rate on the Growth Mechanism and Optical Properties of InN Crystallites Fabricated by Chemical Vapor Deposition.Cryst. Growth Des. 20,4928-4934(2020).IF:4.089; Q1
[6]Aihemaitijiang Sidike, Guanghua Guo,Xiaobo Li*(通讯),Dongde Li, Yaozhuang Nie, Biaobing Cao, Haiming Duan, and Mengqiu Long.Spin Dependent Electronic Transport Properties of Zigzag Black Phosphorene Nanojunctions Induced by H, Li, O, Co Asymmetric Edge Saturations.Phys. Lett. A 384(5),126123(2020).IF:2.278; Q2
[7]Guoliang Yu, Wence Ding, Xianbo Xiao,Xiaobo Li,Guanghui Zhou*.Rectifying performance of heterojunction based on α-borophene nanoribbons with edge passivations.Nanoscale Res. Lett. 15,185(2020).IF:3.581; Q1
[8]Ken Cham-Fai Leung*,Xiao-Bo Li(理论一作),Xuan Li, Siu-Fung Lee, Jimmy C. Yu, Paula M. Mendes, Klaus E. Hermann, Michel A. Van Hove*.Soft Nanohand Grabs a Growing Nanoparticle.Mater. Chem. Front., 3,1555-1564 (2019).IF:6.788; Q1
[9] Xiaobo Li, Yun Li, Xiaojiao Zhang, Mengqiu Long*, Guanghui Zhou.Spin-Resolved Electronic and Transport Properties of Graphyne-based Nanojunctions with Different N-Substituting Positions.Nanoscale Res. Lett., 14(1),299 (2019).IF:3.581;Q1
[10]Liemao Cao,Xiaobo Li*(通讯),Min Zuo, Chunxia Jia, Wenhu Liao, Guanghui Zhou.Perfect negative differential resistance, spin-filter and spin-rectification transport behaviors in zigzag-edged δ-graphyne nanoribbon-based magnetic devices.J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 485,136-141 (2019).IF:3.046; Q1
[11]Tong Chen, Liang Xu, Quan Li,Xiaobo Li,Mengqiu Long.Direction and strain controlled anisotropic transport behaviors of 2D GeSe-phosphorene vdW heterojunctions.Nanotechnology, 30(40),445703 (2019).IF: 3.551; Q1,TOP期刊
[12] Xiaobo Li, Liemao Cao, Mengqiu Long, Ziran Liu, Guanghui Zhou*.Spin-charge transport properties of a Z-shaped α-graphyne nanoribbon junction with different edge passivations,Carbon, 131,160 (2018).IF: 8.821; Q1,TOP期刊
[13]Liemao Cao,Xiaobo Li(共同一作), Chunxia Jia, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*.Spin-charge transport properties for graphene/graphyne zigzag-edged nanoribbon heterojunctions: A first-principles study,Carbon, 127,519–526 (2018).IF: 8.821; Q1, TOP期刊
[14]Dandan Peng, Xiaojiao Zhang,Xiaobo Li,Di Wu, and Mengqiu Long*.First-principles study of electric field effect and spin-polarization transport propertiesof zigzag α-2 graphyne nanoribbons.J. Appl. Phys., 124(18),184303 (2018).IF:2.328; Q2
[15]Liemao Cao,Xiaobo Li, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*.The spin-charge transport properties for a graphene-based molecular junction:A first-principles study,Org. Electron., 48,357-364 (2017).IF: 3.68; Q1
[16]Liemao Cao,Xiaobo Li, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*.Effect of amino on spin-dependent transport through a junction of fused oligothiophenes between graphene electrodes,Chem. Phys., 17–21,488–489 (2017). IF:1.822; Q2
[17] Xiaobo Li, Liemao Cao, Hui-Li Li, Haiqing Wan, Guanghui Zhou*.Spin-resolved transport properties of a pyridine-linked single molecule embedded between ZGNR electrodes,J. Phys. Chem. C, 120(5), 3010−3018, (2016).IF: 4.536; Q1, TOP期刊
[18] Xiaobo Li, Huili Li, Haiqing Wan, Guanghui Zhou*.Effects of amino-nitro side groups on electron device of oligo p-phenylenevinylene molecular between ZGNR electrodes,Org. Electron. 19, 26-33 (2015).IF: 3.68; Q1
[19] Xiaobo Li, Hao Gao, Haiqing Wan, Hui-Li Li, Guanghui Zhou*. A multi-functional molecular device based on oligo phenylenevinylene and graphene,Chem. Phys. Lett., 610, 298–302 (2014). IF: 2.158; Q2
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